Release notes

Fluid Topics Version 3.9

We are always building Fluid Topics with our customers in mind. Released on December 16th, Fluid Topics version 3.9 is a case in point as it is 100% dedicated to reinforcing the key features championed by our users. Find out what’s new:

Reader page enhancements

The Reader page has been improved:

  • A user-friendly, actionable title bar at the top of the content pane that displays document information and action buttons for structured and unstructured documents.
  • The possibility to switch from a document to its equivalent in another language, version, or OS, for example. A portal admin can configure the pivot metadata to obtain the best matches.
  • The ability to configure action shortcuts near the title and contextual menu that grant users direct access to the most popular actions, such as Share URL and Print PDF.

Offline Search

We’ve introduced search in Offline mode for structured and unstructured documents. It features stemming, result clustering, highlighting and case- and diacritic-insensitive data processing. Furthermore, facets are available to help you filter results.

Pretty URL Generator

We’ve improved the Pretty URL generator to share meaningful and non-ambiguous URLs:



  • Having a normalization function so that all special characters, including spaces, are rewritten to keep the URLs pretty (avoiding browser encoding).
  • Including specific metadata from topics at intermediate levels within the Table of Contents’ hierarchy.
  • Displaying Pretty URLs in lieu of IDs directly in the address bar for structured and unstructured documents, and as the default URL whenever possible.


We’ve delivered a new data viz to help you analyze which documents are the most popular from a metadata point of view.



We also added a unified date picker, shared by all Analytics screens, including the heatmap. It provides a faster way to study how content is consumed over the same period.



To learn more about our vision of Analytics, you can read this blog article we recently published in tcworld magazine:

More Web APIs

We placed a special focus on opening web services to allow you to automate My Library management as well as retrieve Analytics data.

  • My Library: create, delete, update and get lists of items for Bookmarks, Searches, and Collections.
  • Analytics
    • Knowledge Hub: most popular documents and heatmap.
    • Traffic: by sessions, country or browser.
    • Search: facets, search terms, searches with no results.

From now on, each Analytics screen will have a corresponding web service to access underlying data, so that Fluid Topics metrics can be integrated into your own analytics tools and be correlated with other data. Check out the doc:

Content Ingestion

We open-sourced our Markdown connector so you can use it in your continuous integration pipelines to push documentation to your FT portal. Moreover, the latest version of the Markdown connector supports mathematical equations, Mermaid-generated diagrams and source code highlighting.


Realm Configuration

It is now possible to configure authentication realms directly in the Admin user interface, including SAML, OpenID Connect, and internal realms.



The interface also brings new functionalities such as the possibility to retrieve profiles from an OpenID Connect realm and change the login button or labels.


For more information, check the release note

Please give this new version a spin
and let us know what you think.

If you want to know the roadmap and participate to the choices of the next features, feel free to contact us.
We develop Fluid Topics for you.