Fluid Topics Blog (FR) Company News

Half-Year Highlights: 6 Biggest Updates of the Year So Far

Juil 2, 2024  |  Reading Time: 3 minutes

How has the first half of 2024 finished already?! With the continued growth around all things AI, these past six months have flown by in excitement. The far-reaching applications of Generative AI (GenAI) remain a popular talking point across industries and around our office. Amidst the buzz, we’ve had a busy first semester, so before we finish 2024 with a bang, let’s take a look at our biggest news of the year so far.

We Announced a 15 Million Euro Investment from Kennet Partners

Earlier this year we shared that London-based firm Kennet Partners was investing 15 million euros in Fluid Topics. With this latest round of funding, our goal is to expand our solution globally.

This Series B funding round is also empowering us to further enhance our platform’s capabilities to deliver even greater value to our customers, with a special focus on Generative AI.

Following this announcement, we excitedly welcomed Hillel Zidel, Cillian Hilliard, and Eric Barroca to our Board of Directors alongside current members Claire Houry, Maxence Valero, and Christophe Dumoulin.

In case you missed it, read the full press release for details.

Never Fear, We Prepared a Content Manager’s AI Survival Guide

In June, we published our new eBook on “7 GenAI Implementation Challenges.”

In this survival guide you’ll learn how, with the right approach and tools, Content Managers and Generative AI applications are well-positioned to cultivate a symbiotic relationship. It details how they can leverage their knowledge and resources to resolve these complex issues while simultaneously enhancing the value of their content. Specifically, you’ll discover how to tackle these common occurrences:

  • Challenge 1: Scattered Content Silos
  • Challenge 2: Content Governance and Security Measures
  • Challenge 3: Maintaining Data Freshness and Ensuring Content Findability
  • Challenge 4: Misinformation & AI Hallucinations
  • Challenge 5: “One-Size-Fits-All” Content
  • Challenge 6: Disjointed Customer Experience
  • Challenge 7: High Costs and Long-Deployment Period

Don’t hesitate to download your free eBook.

We Launched Fluid Topics for AI Projects

In May, we introduced our latest capabilities to help you accelerate the deployment of your Generative AI content projects. With Fluid Topics, you can now build AI applications by seamlessly integrating cutting-edge technology into your stack.

Equip your entire organization with out-of-the-box core services for powering Retrieval Augmented Generation scenarios and benefit from an API-first architecture to enrich your applications.

Learn more about Fluid Topics’ AI applications.

To accompany this product update, we released two new videos highlighting our brand-new AI applications. Get an insider’s look at our core GenAI capabilities:

We Hosted 3 Webinars

From January to June, we hosted three webinars, including one where Fluid Topics CEO Fabrice LaCroix got to share the microphone with co-panelists Amber Swope and Lief Erickson. During each of our webinars we enjoyed sharing our content delivery and GenAI insights with thousands of content experts. Did you attend the live webinars? If not, don’t miss a thing — check out our on-demand webinar replays:

Additionally, because we value the importance of customer experience, we also had the pleasure of launching a special, dedicated webinar series for our customers. There we offer expert tips and deep dive into some of our Content Delivery Platform’s exceptional features.

The New Kids on the Blog: Generative AI Articles

No, we’re not talking about a boy band revival tour, just our exciting new blog category focused on everyone’s favorite hot topic: Generative AI. Here are our first articles focused on this critical subject:

We hope you enjoy our latest insights! Watch this area, we’re sure to have a lot more insights around GenAI as the year continues.

We Attended Events Around the World

In the first half of 2024, Fluid Topics went worldwide. From Nordic TechKomm in Sweden, to ConVEx in the US, TechKomm in Germany, and IPIM-AIIM in Japan, our teams had a great time meeting other content professionals. We talked about trends, shared best practices, went to knowledgeable sessions, and delivered presentations to event attendees.

Since we value open dialogue and feedback, we’re happy to share the lessons and insights we learn at these events. Check out our article recapping the 4 Generative AI Insights from ConVEx to explore what leading content professionals are saying about the trends and challenges they face today.

Coming Up Next: What to Expect in S2?

  • Fluid Topics will launch its V5 of the platform this summer, get ready for awesome new features!
  • We will be attending in-person events such as Lavacon in Portland, tcworld in Stuttgart, NORDIC TechKomm in Copenhagen, and Swiss IT Forum in Geneva!
  • We have a new eBook focused on the benefits and must-have features for a next-gen customer self-service portal coming out in the upcoming weeks.
  • We will be hosting a webinar with CIDM. We’ll be sharing more details soon!

Get ready, great updates are coming to you soon. Sign up for our newsletter to be the first to hear our news and read our latest publications.

About The Author

Kelly Dell

Kelly Dell