Fluid Topics Blog (FR) Actualités

Business Continuity and COVID-19

Mar 23, 2020  |  Reading Time: 2 minutes

As we are altogether facing an unprecedented situation with the health crisis due to Covid-19, our CEO Fabrice Lacroix shares how Antidot is taking care of the security and health of our employees while ensuring business continuity and full support to our clients and partners.

First of all, the safety of our employees and their families is at the heart of all the decisions we are making at Antidot during this extraordinary time. We are glad to say that we were able to set our people safe at home within 48 hours even before the lockdown went into force, both thanks to a well-prepared Business Continuity Plan executed efficiently, and to the Antidot culture that greatly supported a smooth move.

At Antidot, we’re well versed in working from home: for 10 years now, many of our colleagues have embraced this opportunity, and we are as committed as ever to ensuring that our team is properly equipped. In this very complicated period, our collective ability to work remotely is more valuable than ever before.

And as a matter of fact, our Monday Meeting had a different flavor on March 16, as seeing more virtual people than usual, ready and eager to perform his or her usual work and duty, gave us all good vibes in this difficult time! Thank you all for your commitment!

In these unprecedented circumstances, we wanted to let you know that the Antidot team stands behind you and remains fully operational. Our advanced practices in remote working and distributed teamwork give us an edge on the situation and all activities, from running the SaaS infrastructure to supporting customers. Professional services and product development teams are also in action. You can reach them through the usual remote channels.

We want to free your mind from any business risk so that you can focus on your own activity. We are fully available as planned for your projects. You can rely on us to continue to support you and bring you the best service in this exceptional situation.

A quick reminder of the email addresses and tools URL where we can join us anytime:

Sales: [email protected] or https://www.fluidtopics.com/contact-us/
Support: [email protected]
Professional services: [email protected]
Admin: [email protected]

Be safe,
Kind regards,
Fabrice Lacroix

About The Author



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